David Blake is the co-founder and Executive Chairman of Degreed. Millions of individuals and hundreds of organizations use Degreed’s platform to discover and answer for all of their learning and skills. Prior to Degreed, he consulted on the launched a competency-based, accredited university and was a founding team member of university-admissions startup Zinch (acquired by NASDQ: CHGG). David Blake operates at the intersection of the future of work and the future of politics. He is the founder of VICE.RUN, a national bipartisan reform movement to reclaim America’s 12th Amendment right to democratically elect the Vice President. VICE.RUN is an answer to President Lincoln’s age-old call for new thinking and new solutions: “As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew…and then we shall save our country.”
In this episode, Gary and David discuss:
- Jailbreaking the College Degree
- The Future of Corporate Learning & Workforce Development
- AI or Obsolescence
- Why Founders Must Stay Politically Aware
Talk With Gary Directly On How Rabine Can Help Grow Your Business!

Rabine has over 39 years of experience in exterior facilities management. We’ve performed work in all 50 states, and are valued partners with some of the country’s largest brands. We pride ourselves on quick turn-arounds, minimal disruption for your business, and our reputation for reliable, quality service. We offer turn-key solutions facilities. We have on-staff engineers. We’ve seen it all. We do it all. Innovation and technology are what make us tick.